Andrew Tyson Andrew Tyson

Andrew Tyson is a registered social worker and an independent facilitator, trainer, writer and speaker. He trained as a social worker at the University of Sussex.

Andrew has worked for around thirty years as a practitioner, a manager and commissioner of health and social care services, mainly for people with mental health issues and for people with learning difficulties.

Between 1999 and 2005, he was strategic commissioner for health and social care services for adults with learning difficulties in West Sussex. Between 2005 and 2011 he worked for the organisation In Control, which pioneered self-directed support and personal budgets. He is the author, with allies from the independent living movement, of a book entitled 'Personalisation and Learning Disabilities' (OLM Pavilion, February 2011).

Andrew is a staff associate of In Control, Community Catalysts and the Social Care Institute for Excellence.