Social work employer standard 2: Workforce planning systems

Use effective workforce planning systems to make sure that the right number of social workers, with the right level of skills and experience, are available to meet current and future service demands.

All employers should be able to show that they have appropriate workforce planning systems in place in order to meet the needs of local service users now and in the future. Effective workforce planning systems should both determine immediate staffing requirements and help to ensure that sufficient numbers of social workers are trained to meet future demand. These should be based on an understanding of the factors that influence need and demand, including the size and specific circumstances of the local population. Workforce planning procedures should be regularly monitored and reviewed.

The requirements for this standard are summarised below.

View the full details for this standard on the LGA website.

  • Undertake an assessment of current and future need and feed this into local, regional and national supply and demand systems.
  • Ensure that workforce planning systems involve strategic partnerships with higher education institutions and other agencies.
  • Provide good quality practice placements, other types of practice learning, and effective workplace assessment to help ensure that the right numbers of new social workers of the right calibre are trained.
  • Engage with the social work education sector in order to facilitate exchanges of personnel and expertise.
  • Facilitate further learning and development across partner agencies.

Example of how Inform can support this standard:

Guide to organisational development