Safeguarding KSS 4

Last updated: 15 February 2021

Paper figures in a circle

Photo: Les Cunliffe/Fotolia

This page sets out the knowledge and skills listed under point 4 (safeguarding) in the Department for Health and Social Care’s knowledge and skills statement. Against this, we have mapped Community Care Inform Adults’ guides, research, learning tools and other resources to help social workers meet and evidence this part of the statement. The links to the resources are in blue; click to follow them to the page you’re interested in.

What the statement says Resources to help you
• Social workers must be able to recognise the risk indicators of different forms of abuse and neglect and their impact on individuals, their families or their support networks and should prioritise the protection of children and adults in vulnerable situations whenever necessary. This includes working with those who self-neglect.

• Social workers who work with adults must take an outcomes-focused, person-centred approach to safeguarding practice, recognising that people are experts in their own lives and working alongside them to identify person-centred solutions to risk and harm. In situations where there is abuse or neglect or clear risk of those, social workers must work in a way that enhances involvement, choice and control as part of improving quality of life, wellbeing and safety.

• Social workers should take the lead in managing positive interventions that prevent deterioration in health and wellbeing; safeguard people (who may or may not be socially excluded) at risk of abuse or neglect, or who are subject to discrimination, and to take necessary action where someone poses a risk to themselves, their children or other people.

• Social workers who work with adults must be able to recognise and take appropriate action where they come across situations where a child or young person may be at risk. Social workers should understand and apply in practice personalised approaches to safeguarding adults that maximise the adult’s opportunity to determine and realise their desired outcomes and to safeguard themselves effectively, with support where necessary.

The safeguarding knowledge and practice hub contains information on what the legislation around safeguarding means in practice, what to consider when working with risk, and how to use professional judgment and make decisions confidently and appropriately.

Making safeguarding personal in practice considers how to use the six principles for safeguarding adults set out in the Care Act statutory guidance in your practice and gives practical advice on achieving a balance between wellbeing and safety.

The inherent jurisdiction of the High Court and vulnerable adults explains what the inherent jurisdiction is and what it can and cannot do in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Working with adults who self-neglect looks at the reasons why someone might self-neglect, makes suggestions for effectively engaging with an adult who is self-neglecting, and gives tips on questions to ask to ensure assessments are sensitive.

Working with adults who hoard explains the different types of hoarding and the reasons why someone might hoard, the inter-relation with attachment issues, and gives tips on how to use specific hoarding tools.

Working with domestic abuse, substance use and mental ill health explains why domestic abuse often co-exists with parental mental health problems and substance use, the impact that living with multiple parental difficulties has on children and young people, and how to comprehensively risk assess parents.

Domestic abuse: the impact on children and young people details the overlapping ways in which children can experience emotional harm as a result of living with domestic abuse, the questions to consider when assessing children’s safety and what works to support them.

Guide to mate crime against adults with learning disabilities contains information to help you understand what mate crime is and who perpetrates it, and advice on carrying out safeguarding enquiries in mate crime cases.

Forced marriage of adults with learning disabilities highlights how to recognise this type of forced marriage, the reasons behind it, and how to safeguard someone before and after a forced marriage.

Working with adult victims of child sexual exploitation covers the definition of child sexual exploitation (CSE) and the indicators to look out for, what goes wrong in the way professionals handle CSE, and the implications for adults’ services when CSE victims become adults.

Guide to modern slavery summarises the different types of modern slavery and how to spot the signs that someone is a victim, as well as myths and truths surrounding the issue.

The role and remit of the Court of Protection outlines when local authorities should make an application to the court and how to go about it.

Giving written and oral evidence to the Court of Protection covers the types of evidence you’ll need to provide and what to expect during examination and cross-examination.

Links to resource maps for other parts of the KSS: