James Codling
James Codling has worked in social care for the past 22 years and has delivered training on the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) for the past 12. While James’s main role is as the MCA and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards learning and development manager for Cambridgeshire County Council, he also delivers MCA training for five other local authorities on this topic, is involved in national research in this area of law and has written articles that have helped professionals understand how the MCA is to be applied in practice.
All posts by James Codling

Safeguarding adults from online harms
Author: Andy Phippen, Emma Bond and James Codling
Publication Date:
Looks at the nature and impact of online harms on adults with care and support needs and how to shift from overly protective measures to strategies that prioritise the rights of individuals to participation, privacy, and informed decision making.
Looks at the legal framework around using CCTV in residential care settings, the six legal bases for processing someone's data and what social care practitioners need to know
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