Lydia Guthrie

Lydia Guthrie is a systemic psychotherapist/family therapist, trainer and supervisor. She works in children’s services, offering family therapy to families with social workers.

Before this, Lydia was a trainer, group facilitator and supervisor, working in criminal justice, mental health and social work settings. She spent 10 years working for the Probation Service in a range of specialisms, including work with long-term prisoners, and groupwork with men who have committed sexual abuse and domestic abuse. She worked as a supervisor and team manager, and also developed and delivered programmes for victims and survivors of abuse.

Lydia is passionate about attachment theory, reflective supervision, mindfulness and self-compassion. As a believer in life-long learning, she has studied extensively in the dynamic maturational model of attachment and adaptation.

All posts by Lydia Guthrie

Using trauma-informed approaches to work with adults

Outlines the different types of trauma and the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioural effects they can have, as well as the key principles behind a trauma-informed approach and how to put them into practice.

Webinar: attachment-based practice with adults