Nick Marsh

Nick is a practice improvement advisor for multi-agency work at the centre of expertise on child sexual abuse. The centre is funded by the Home Office, hosted by Barnardo’s and works with academic institutions, local authorities, health, education, police and the voluntary sector. Its aim is to reduce the impact of CSA through improved prevention and better response.

The centre collates and analyses existing research, policy, practice and the real experiences of those affected. It then works to fill the gaps identified with new research, insights and analysis, and use this evidence and insight to develop new approaches and apply learning in practice.

Nick has extensive experience both as a frontline social worker and as a service manager in various multi-agency, child safeguarding settings.

Nick’s previous roles have included working as the safeguard lead for Greater Manchester Police’s award-winning multi-agency response to organised crime and modern slavery, Programme Challenger.

More recently Nick was the development lead for a research based and co-designed child sexual exploitation service, piloted in two Greater Manchester authorities. This service is now being rolled out across the region as part of Greater Manchester’s response to complex safeguarding.