Rob was a founding member and director of Edge Training & Consultancy. He retired as a director in 2015 but continues to deliver training regularly. He runs refresher courses for approved mental health professionals (AMHPs) and teaches section 12 doctors and approved clinicians in England and Wales.
He is a social worker and was a Mental Health Act commissioner from 1993 to 2010.
Rob is a visiting fellow at Bournemouth university. He provides consultation and supervision for staff in various authorities including AMHPs and best interests assessors in Cornwall. He has published widely in the field of mental health and mental capacity law.
The nearest relative (NR) is a key person under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) who has rights and responsibilities if their relative is detained in hospital or subject to a community treatment order (CTO) or guardianship. This quick guide is designed to help practitioners work with NRs effectively.