Tim Spencer-Lane

Tim is a lawyer who specialises in mental capacity, mental health and social care law. He is the legal editor at Community Care Inform and senior lecturer at Kingston University.

At the Law Commission he led the reviews of adult social care, health and social care professional regulation and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. He currently works as a lawyer at the government legal department (Department of Health and Social Care) where he advises on mental capacity and mental health law.

All posts by Tim Spencer-Lane

Mental capacity and ‘insight’: CT v London Borough of Lambeth & Anor [2025] EWCOP 6 (T3)

Language deprivation, assessing the capacity of deaf people and fluctuating capacity: Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council v KZ & Ors (Rev1) [2024] EWCOP 72 (T3)

The Court Report with Tim Spencer-Lane: the 2024 Mental Health Bill

Looks at the measures contained in the 2024 Mental Health Bill.

The Court Report with Tim Spencer-Lane: the 2024 Mental Health Bill transcript

Looks at the measures contained in the 2024 Mental Health Bill.

Dissociative identity disorder and fluctuating capacity: Leicestershire County Council v P & Anor (Capacity: Anticipatory declaration) [2024] EWCOP 53 (T3)

Alcohol abuse, capacity and sexual relations in the context of a long-term loving relationship: Re PS (Severe Short-Term Memory Loss: Capacity to Engage in Sexual Relations) [2024] EWCOP 42 (T2)

Community deprivation of liberty and representation: Re PQ (Court Authorised DOL: Representation During Review Period) [2024] EWCOP 41 (T3)

The Mental Health Act, places of safety and bed shortages: Surrey Police v PC & Ors [2024] EWHC 1274 (Fam)

The interface between general and social care housing provision: R (Campbell) v London Borough of Ealing [2024] EWCA Civ 540

Financial decision making under the Mental Capacity Act: a guide to the legal framework

The options available to decision makers by which they can obtain legal authority to make decisions about an individual’s property and financial affairs when the person lacks the relevant capacity.