Elmari Bishop

Elmari Bishop is a consultant social worker and lecturer practitioner. Her specialist areas include the Mental Capacity Act (MCA), Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), Mental Health Act, safeguarding and the Human Rights Act, as well as the interface between them. Elmari provides consultancy and training around these areas.

Elmari is the safeguarding and legal intervention lead for Thurrock Council and maintains links at national level as the MCA/DoLS lead for the Mental Health Alliance.

Elmari is also a member of the MCA/DoLS regional implementation network in the east of England and leads on best interests assessor (BIA) refresher training in this geographical area.

She has many years of experience in the field of adult mental health as an approved mental health professional and in working as the MCA/DoLS lead for a large NHS organisation. Elmari continues to practise as a BIA.

All posts by Elmari Bishop

The interface between the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005

An overview of what to consider when deciding which legislative regime to follow in a hospital or community setting when admission and care or treatment might lead to a deprivation of liberty.

Case law on best interests decisions in relation to residence

Looks at the best interests decisions that should be brought before a judge in relation to contact and residence.

Case law on best interests decisions about sexual relations and marriage

The most legally complex safeguarding cases include those involving suspicions that a married vulnerable adult may never have had capacity to consent to marriage. This guide looks at implications for practice from case law.

Making best interests decisions: quick guide

Looks at the key steps behind making a best interests decision on behalf of someone you have assessed as lacking the relevant capacity to make the decision.

Assessing capacity: quick guide

Sets out the principles behind the Mental Capacity Act and the steps that must be taken to ensure you are legally compliant when carrying out a mental capacity assessment.