Prospera Tedam is Associate Professor in Social Work at the United Arab Emirates University where she has been since 2018. Prior to this, Prospera was a Principal Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, UK, where she taught on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. She was a member of the Independent Family Returns Panel at the Home Office, advising on child safeguarding in relation to children and families who had no legal right to remain in the United Kingdom. Prospera is an international consultant and trainer in the areas of anti-racist social work education and practice, cultural competence, and harmful cultural practices.
Explores what culture and cultural competence mean, how to reflect on your own culture, and models for working sensitively and effectively in different cultural contexts with individuals, families and communities.
These videos show two different approaches in a supervision session between a practice educator and a social work student: one oppressive and discriminatory, the other more supportive and positive, as well as reflective questions and practice tips.