Learning points
- The rules about housing benefit and universal credit.
- People’s rights in relation to tenancies and housing conditions.
- When and how social workers should carry out needs assessments under the Care Act for people who are homeless.
() Housing knowledge and practice hub. Knowledge Hubs.
Community Care Inform
[accessed: 18 January 2025]
If you are directly quoting the author's own words from this document you must acknowledge that they are not your own words by putting them within quotes marks, reference the source in the text and then provide the full reference at the end of the document. For example:
In the text: Baim argues that "understanding adult attachment patterns can also help practitioners to more readily identify the behaviour patterns that the client uses to maintain safety and comfort and which also, in some cases, serve to keep the client stuck in behaviour that no longer serves them as adults". (Baim, 2015)
Full reference to insert at the bottom of the document: Baim, C. (2015) Using attachment theory to work with adults, Guide. Community Care Inform Adults [online]. Available at: https://adults.ccinform.co.uk/guides/guide-using-attachment-theory-work-adults/ [accessed: INSERT DATE HERE (eg 9 October 2015)]