This document contains a breakdown of each part of the knowledge and skills statement for social workers in adult services (KSS) with links to a selection of the guides, research and multimedia learning on Community Care Inform Adults that can help you develop and evidence your knowledge and skills in each area.
In each case, the main learning points from the relevant piece of content are included. Each section is denoted by the relevant paragraph of the KSS. Paragraph 12, on the assessment framework for the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE), is omitted. This is just a sample of what is available; there is plenty more relevant content relating to the KSS on Inform Adults, which can be accessed through our topic-based knowledge and practice hubs.
1. Statement overview (summarised)
The statement sets out what a social worker working with adults should know and be able to do by the end of their ASYE. It provides the basis for the assessment of practitioners going through the ASYE. More information is available on Skills for Care’s website.
But all social workers working with adults should be able to demonstrate knowledge of all aspects of the statement and employers are expected to use it as the basis for induction, supervision and continuing professional development.
If there is anything else you would like to be able to find on Community Care Inform to help you with the knowledge and skills statements, ASYE or accreditation at all levels, do let us know.